【Attention All Guests】
・We ask for your cooperation in having your temperature taken at the door prior to entry.
※If your body temperature exceeds 37.5℃ (99.5°F) after 2 attempts,
or you are displaying cold symptoms or are otherwise feeling unwell, you will be denied entry.
We thank you for your understanding.
・We respectfully remind our guests to practice the proper
etiquette when coughing or sneezing.
・Please keep the appropriate social distance from other guests
when moving around the premises.
・Hand sanitizer is placed at the entrance and in the restroom.
We encourage you to disinfect your hands when appropriate.
・If you begin to feel unwell after entry,
depending on the symptoms present you may be asked to leave the premises.
・Please alert our staff right away if you are feeling unwell.
【 Customers for whom the following conditions apply are asked to refrain from visiting:】
・Those who have had contact with anyone testing positive for COVID-19
・Those who have had contact with/live with someone
who is suspected of being infected with COVID-19
・Those who have traveled from countries that require a post-entry observation period or
other restrictions by the government, or those who have contact with
anyone who falls under this requirement
・We advise guests with underlying medical conditions who are at a higher risk of
serious illness should they contract COVID-19 to consider their visit carefully